25 Positive And Uplifting Quotes For You To Enjoy
I really hope that you will enjoy this wonderful collection of positive and uplifting quotes that I have put together for you.
The following quotes are wonderful reminders why we should really try and have a more positive outlook on life.
While life will have its ups and downs, struggles, disappointments and setbacks along the way, when you weigh everything up, we really should be more grateful for all the wonderful things in our life.
It can be very easy to be influenced in a negative way by what we see on television on almost a daily basis, most of us really need to make a conscious effort to remind ourselves to be more positive, have more hope, help others when we can and show more gratitude.
1. “Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.” ― Robert Tew
2. “Keep looking up… that’s the secret of life.” ― Charlie Brown
3. “Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.” ― Christopher Reeve
4. “Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.” ― Roy T. Bennett
5. “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” ― Norman Vincent Peale
6. “While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.” ― Benjamin Franklin
7. “We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.” ― Tony Robbins
8. “A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.” ― Joyce Meyer
9. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ― Albert Einstein
10. “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” ― Maya Angelou
11. “We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.” ― Vince Lombardi
12. “Being positive doesn’t mean you don’t ever have negative thoughts. It just means you don’t let those thoughts control your life.” ― Jay Shetty
13. “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.” ― Winston Churchill
14. “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” ― Dalai Lama
15. “Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it’ll take their breath away.” ― Tony Gaskins
16. “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” ― Stephen R. Covey
17. “Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.” ― Lou Holtz
18. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
19. “The more positive thoughts you entertain, the happier you will become.” ― Rhonda Byrne
20. “Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.” ― Jim Rohn
21. “The less you respond to negative people, the more positive your life will become.” ― Paulo Coelho
22. “What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t happened yet.” ― Anne Frank
23. “Positive thinking must be followed by positive doing.” ― John C. Maxwell
24. “Hope is a positive expectation that something good is going to happen.” ― Joyce Meyer
25. “The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness.” ― Esther Hicks