45 Powerful Rhonda Byrne Quotes (The Secret)
I really hope that these Rhonda Byrne Quotes will inspire you to have more belief in yourself and to start living the life of your dreams.
Rhonda Byrne was born in Australia and began her career as a radio producer before moving into television production.
Rhonda wrote the bestselling book ‘The Secret’ in 2006 after the popular film of the same name about The Law of Attraction.
The Secret has been translated into 50 languages and still remains as one of the longest-running bestsellers of all time, selling over 30 million copies worldwide.
Rhonda Byrne has also written the following popular books: ‘The Power’, ‘The Magic’, ‘Hero’ and ‘How The Secret Changed my Life’.
I highly recommend using her The Secret: Manifestation Cards. These beautiful cards are designed to keep you inspired, and on track as you apply this life-changing knowledge to your own life.
If you are interested in harnessing the power of the universe and The law of attraction, I really think that you will enjoy reading this collection of Rhonda Byrne quotes.
Rhonda Byrne Quotes
1. “An affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one.” ― Rhonda Byrne
2. “When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life.” ― Rhonda Byrne
3. “Your feelings are your greatest tools to help you create your life.” ― Rhonda Byrne
4. “The law of attraction simply gives you whatever it is you are thinking about.” ― Rhonda Byrne
5. “Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately.” ― Rhonda Byrne
6. “Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming.” ― Rhonda Byrne
7. “You are the only one that creates your reality.” ― Rhonda Byrne
8. “You must look for the good in people to have more of it appear. As you look only for the good things in a person, you will be amazed at what your new focus reveals.” ― Rhonda Byrne
9. “Your thoughts become things.” ― Rhonda Byrne
10. “If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand.” ― Rhonda Byrne
11. “To change your life fast, use gratitude to shift your energy. When you put all of your energy into gratitude, you will see miracles take place in your life.” ― Rhonda Byrne
12. “A shortcut to manifesting your desires is to see what you want as absolute fact.” ― Rhonda Byrne
13. “The truth is that the universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are awake.” ― Rhonda Byrne
14. “We are like magnets – like attracts like. You become and attract what you think.” ― Rhonda Byrne
Best Rhonda Byrne Quotes
15. “You attract your dominant thoughts.” ― Rhonda Byrne
16. “Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want – and the feeling of having it already.” ― Rhonda Byrne
17. “The law of attraction can also be called the law of creation in other words, life is not happening to you, you are creating it.” ― Rhonda Byrne
18. “You have the power to change anything because you are the who chooses your thoughts and you are the one who feels your feelings.” ― Rhonda Byrne
19. “Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy.” ― Rhonda Byrne
20. “The Universe is a masterpiece of abundance.” ― Rhonda Byrne
21. “Expectation is a powerful attractive force. Expect the things you want, and don’t expect the things you don’t want.” ― Rhonda Byrne
22. “Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency and you will attract better things.” ― Rhonda Byrne
23. “If somebody says something negative to you, do not react. You have to get yourself to a point where you can stay calm and peaceful inside no matter what negative things happen on the outside.” ― Rhonda Byrne
24. “Choose your thoughts carefully… you are a masterpiece of your life.” ― Rhonda Byrne
25. “See the things that you want as already yours.” ― Rhonda Byrne
26. “There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstances of your life can change!” ― Rhonda Byrne
27. “Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to miraculous cures.” ― Rhonda Byrne
28. “Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more and more good thoughts, and eventually the good thoughts will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether.” ― Rhonda Byrne
29. “As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never-ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for.” ― Rhonda Byrne
The Secret Quotes
30. “There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer.” ― Rhonda Byrne
31. “The only reason why people do not have what they want, is because they are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do want.” ― Rhonda Byrne
32. “Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing, and being grateful. Make it your life commitment, and you will stand in utter awe of what happens in your life.” ― Rhonda Byrne
33. “If you’re worried or in fear, then you’re bringing more of that into your life throughout the day.” ― Rhonda Byrne
34. “Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education and peace.” ― Rhonda Byrne
35. “Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.” ― Rhonda Byrne
36. “How it will happen, how the Universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job. Allow the Universe to do it for you.” ― Rhonda Byrne
37. “You are the only one who can create the life you deserve.” ― Rhonda Byrne
38. “Go for the inner joy, the inner peace, the inner vision first, and then all of the outer things appear.” ― Rhonda Byrne
39. “Your imagination is an extremely powerful tool.” ― Rhonda Byrne
40. “It is impossible to bring more into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you have.” ― Rhonda Byrne
41. “Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude, even what he or she has will be taken from him or her.” ― Rhonda Byrne
42. “The most important thing for you to know is that it is impossible to feel bad and at the same time be having good thoughts. That would defy the law, because your thoughts cause your feelings. If you are feeling bad, it is because you are thinking thoughts that are making you feel bad.” ― Rhonda Byrne
43. “Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it. Believe it’s possible for you.” ― Rhonda Byrne
44. “If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel and change the frequency by changing your thoughts.” ― Rhonda Byrne
45. “People go through their whole lives chasing everything in the material world, and they fail to discover the greatest treasure of all, which is within them.” ― Rhonda Byrne
I really hope that you have enjoyed reading these wonderful Rhonda Byrne Quotes from The Secret.
Whether you are seeking to manifest your greatest desires, help you to overcome any limiting beliefs, or you simply want to find more joy and fulfillment in your life, the above Rhonda Byrne’s quotes from The Secret can provide guidance and inspiration on your exciting journey.
Take a few minutes out of your day today to reflect on the messages of these Rhonda Byrne quotes and try to apply them to your own life to bring about positive change.
‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne is an empowering and transformative book that looks into the concept of the Law of Attraction.
Written in a friendly and accessible style, ‘The Secret’ offers readers a profound understanding of how their thoughts and beliefs can shape their lives, and how they can harness the power of the universe to manifest their desires.
The above Rhonda Byrne quotes remind us that by focusing on more positive thoughts, we can attract positive outcomes, and conversely, negative thoughts can manifest negative experiences. The key takeaway is that we have the power to control our thoughts and create the reality that we desire.