How To Make Your Weekends More Productive

When most people think of the weekend they think of a time to sleep in, relax and switch off their brain until Monday comes around.
Do you ever wake up on a Monday morning wishing that you had been more productive over the weekend? I want to share with you six simple tips how you can be more productive at the weekend and still feel totally rested.
1. Review The Previous Week and Plan Ahead
If you have not started using a daily journal by now, I highly recommend you do so as soon as possible. This can be a real life changing productive habit to start.
I like to use a simple lined notebook to write down my goals, thoughts, ideas and my to-do lists.
Over the weekend take just a few minutes to review your previous week. Did you read your goals every day? Did you do enough exercise? Did you meditate? Did you spend enough time with your family? Did read every day? Did you complete all of your tasks for the week? What areas will you need to improve in the week ahead?
The valuable time spent reviewing the previous week using a journal, is a great way to see just how much you have accomplished.
It is very important that during your weekly review you do not beat yourself up, instead, recognize what changes you need to make so that you will get back on track in the coming week.
It is also good idea to spend a few minutes on Sunday evening to plan the week ahead. Everything from planning your lunches that you eat every day, what clothes you are going to wear, to are all of your exercise clothes clean and ready for during the week?
Use this time on Sunday evening to read your list of exciting short, medium and long term goals. This is assuming that you have taken the time to write them out! If not, the weekend is a great time to write out a list of your goals for the future.
Once you get into the productive weekend habit of reviewing and planning, you will get more things done and you will keep on track with your tasks and exciting goals.
2. Get Moving
If your idea of exercise at the weekend is switching on the TV and spending a marathon session watching the latest series on Netflix, you might need to make some changes.
While I enjoy chilling out and watching a good documentary or thriller as much as the next person, I also make sure that I make exercise and being active a priority at the weekend.
Get into the productive habit of going for a walk or a run and get some fresh air into your lungs. Being more active at the weekend is a great way to get the heart pumping, the muscles working and to feel great at the same time.
Perhaps get into the habit at the weekends to join a Yoga class or spend a few minutes stretching to improve your flexibility.
I have a small exercise area set up in a spare room with dumbbells, floor mat and an exercise bench. Thirty or forty minutes of resistance training, planks and sit-ups instantly makes me feel better about myself and keeps me in shape at the same time.
You can always follow a fitness or yoga video on YouTube in the comfort of your own home if you wish. The main thing is that you make exercise a habit at the weekend.
3. Have Some Fun
Is having fun being productive? I believe yes, it is! Anything that makes you feel good, puts a smile on your face and makes you feel more positive is productive. Life can be quite serious sometimes, so it is always good to kick back from time to time and have some fun.
Use the weekends to catch up with friends who make you laugh out loud and make you feel great about yourself. You can always watch a feel good movie or TV show with a friend or partner (just don’t binge watch). Think about what you have fun doing, and do it at the weekend!
4. Catch Up On Your Sleep
I totally believe in getting up early during the week and starting off each day with a productive routine. I never set the alarm at the weekends, instead I try to stay in bed and rest for as long that I feel is necessary.
I’m not one for staying in bed all day at the weekend, but if you feel that your body needs it, go ahead and make yourself cozy.
A few extra hours under the sheets won’t do you any harm. The weekend is a great time to re-charge your batteries and rest your body. Going through the week tired and feeling exhausted will not help your productivity.
Make the most of the weekend to catch up on your sleep and to get enough rest that will have you jumping out of bed on Monday morning ready for the week ahead.
5. Treat Yourself
There are many ways that you can treat yourself at the weekend. Everything from having a nice meal at home or in your favorite restaurant, treating yourself to a relaxing body massage, soaking yourself in a nice warm bath to simply giving yourself a face mask at home are some great ways you can treat yourself.
Using the weekend to threat yourself to some valuable ‘me-time’ is a great way to feel great about yourself and more importantly to help you feel totally relaxed and rejuvenated.
6. Put Your Phone Down
OK, before you skip past this tip as an impossibility, please hear me out! Did you know that average American uses their phone at least once every 12 minutes, or over 100 times a day!
What is also interesting is that 31% of Americans have a genuine feeling of anxiety if they are separated from their phone. These stats are slightly worrying to say the least.
Why not use the weekends to break the habit of checking your phone every few minutes for emails, messages and social media updates.
Use the weekends to break the habit of keeping your phone beside you 24/7. Don’t use your phone during meal times or leave it on the table.
Try to use the weekends to switch off from your phone for as much as possible, instead pick up a book, have a conversation and start using the weekends to be more positive and productive.
I hope that the above tips will really give you something to think about. These tips will all improve your productivity, but more importantly your over all wellness.
Start by using a journal every day for a few minutes, go for a walk every day, watch less TV, put your phone away for a few minutes, have fun and treat and pamper yourself. You deserve it!