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40 Wonderful Napoleon Hill Quotes (Think And Grow Rich)

Damien Thomas



Napoleon Hill Quotes

I really think that you are going to enjoy reading this wonderful collection of Napoleon Hill Quotes.

Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” is a timeless classic that has inspired millions of readers from all over the world to achieve success in both their personal and professional lives.

Think and Grow Rich is not only considered a guide for achieving financial success, but also a blueprint for growing a mindset of abundance, persistence, and personal growth.

The inspirational quotes from “Think and Grow Rich” are powerful reminders of the principles and practices that are essential to achieving success in any area of your life.

By reflecting on the following Napoleon Hill quotes, you can gain valuable insights into the mindset of successful people and learn how to apply these principles to areas of your own life.

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants to live a more fulfilling life, the Napoleon Hill quotes from “Think and Grow Rich” offer timeless wisdom and inspiration that can help you to achieve your exciting goals.


Napoleon Hill Quotes

1. “Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.” – Napoleon Hill


2. “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Quote


3. “The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.” – Napoleon Hill


4. “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Motivational Quote


5. “The ladder of success is never crowded at the top.” – Napoleon Hill


6. “If you do not see great riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your bank balance.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Quote About Imagination


7. “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” – Napoleon Hill


8. “Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.” – Napoleon Hill


Inspirational Napoleon Hill Quote


9. “The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.” – Napoleon Hill


Inspirational Napoleon Hill Quotes

10. “Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Success Quote


11. “More gold had been mined from the mind of men than the earth it self.” – Napoleon Hill


12. “Deliberately seek the company of people who influence you to think and act for yourself.” – Napoleon Hill


Quote About Influence


13. “One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.” – Napoleon Hill


14. “Remember that your real wealth can be measured not by what you have, but by what you are.” – Napoleon Hill


Motivational Think and Grow Rich Quote


15. “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit.” – Napoleon Hill Quotes


16. “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Quote


17. “We refuse to believe that which we don’t understand.” – Napoleon Hill


18. “The only limitation is that which one sets up in one’s own mind.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Mindset Quote


19. “The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going.” – Napoleon Hill


Think And Grow Rich Quotes

20. “Success in life is becoming what you want to be.” – Napoleon Hill


Success in life is becoming what you want to be Quote


21. “One sound idea is all that one needs to achieve success.” – Napoleon Hill


22. “Both success and failure are largely the results of habit!” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Quote About Habits


23. “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” – Napoleon Hill


24. “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Strength Quote


25. “Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.” – Napoleon Hill Quotes


26. “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill


A goal is a dream with a deadline quote


27. “Keep you mind fixed on what you want in life: not on what you don’t want.” – Napoleon Hill


28. “Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it.” – Napoleon Hill



29. “A positive mind finds a way it can be done; A negative mind looks for all the ways it can’t be done.” – Napoleon Hill


Motivational Napoleon Hill Quotes

30. “Life reflects your own thoughts back to you.” – Napoleon Hill


Life reflects your own thoughts back to you. Napoleon Hill Quote


31. “Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.” – Napoleon Hill


32. “Success comes to those who become success conscious.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Success Quote


33. “When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.” – Napoleon Hill


34. “Success is good at any age, but the sooner you find it, the longer you will enjoy it.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Motivational Quote


35. “If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” – Napoleon Hill Quotes


36. “It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project.” – Napoleon Hill


Life is a do-it-yourself project. Napoleon Hill Quote


37. “Tell me how you use your spare time and how you spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you will be in ten years from now.” – Napoleon Hill


38. “Awake, arise, and assert yourself, you dreamers of the world.” – Napoleon Hill


Awake, arise, and assert yourself, you dreamers of the world.


39. “Action is the real measure of intelligence.” – Napoleon Hill


40. “Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life; not on what you don’t want.” – Napoleon Hill


Napoleon Hill Quotes


I really hope that you enjoyed reading this wonderful collection of Think And Grow Rich Quotes by Napoleon Hill.

The above quotes from “Think and Grow Rich” can be a powerful source of inspiration and motivation for anyone looking to achieve success in their personal or professional lives.

By applying the principles outlined in this book and reflecting on the wisdom shared in these Napoleon Hill quotes, we can all unlock our full potential and achieve the success that we desire.