25 Inspirational Myles Munroe Quotes

Myles Munroe was a motivational speaker, author, leadership coach and businessman. He was an inspirational leader to millions of people from all over the the world.
He traveled to over 90 countries spreading his message of positive self discovery, personal leadership and unlimited potential.
Myles Munroe regularly addressed audiences of over 500,000 each year on personal and professional development. He was also a prolific author, publishing over 50 books.
In 2014 Myles Munroe sadly passed away in a plane crash with 8 other people on the way to a leadership conference.
I hope that you will enjoy reading this wonderful collection of Myles Munroe quotes.
Myles Munroe Quotes
1. “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” ― Myles Munroe
2. “Your purpose can be fulfilled only during the time you are given on earth to accomplish it.” ― Myles Munroe
3. “We are a sum total of what we have learned from all who have taught us, both great and small.” ― Myles Munroe
4. “When you believe in your dream and your vision, then it begins to attract its own resources. No one was born to be a failure.” ― Myles Munroe
5. “The greatest act of leadership is mentoring. No matter how much you may learn, achieve, accumulate, or accomplish, if it all dies with you, then you are a generational failure.” ― Myles Munroe
6. “The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself, you will always be someone else. Become yourself!” ― Myles Munroe
7. “You job is what they trained you to do, your work is what you were born to do.” ― Myles Munroe
8. “Every person is born with a seed of greatness.” ― Myles Munroe
9. “Being open to correction means making ourselves vulnerable, and many people are not willing to do that.” ― Myles Munroe
10. “The value of life is not in it’s duration, but in it’s donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.” ― Myles Munroe
11. “The past is the past. Who or what we used to be doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is who and what we are now and who and what we can become in the future.” ― Myles Munroe
12. “You are not free, until your past has no effect on your future.” ― Myles Munroe
13. “We shouldn’t pursue things, we should pursue ideas.” ― Myles Munroe
14. “External circumstances will not change, until internal belief systems change.” ― Myles Munroe
Motivational Myles Munroe Quotes
15. “If you become valuable to the world, the world will pay you to be yourself.” ― Myles Munroe
16. “You will never change anything that you are willing to tolerate.” ― Myles Munroe
17. “Instead of waiting for someone to give you a job, create your own work.” ― Myles Munroe
18. “The picture that we have of ourselves — our self-concept — will always determine how we respond to life.” ― Myles Munroe
19. “Friendship is not a gift, but is the result of hard work.” ― Myles Munroe
20. “When we share our sorrow, our sorrow is halved, and when we share our joy, our joy is doubled.” ― Myles Munroe
21. “We should not pursue money. We should pursue vision, we should pursue purpose; for ourselves, for our country, and for our communities.” ― Myles Munroe
22. “If you have hope for the future, you have true riches; no matter how much you have in your account.” ― Myles Munroe
23. “God never demands anything that He does not provide for. Whatever God commands us to do, he equips us to do.” ― Myles Munroe
24. “There is a treasure within you that must come out. Don’t go to the grave with your treasures still within you.” ― Myles Munroe
25. “True success is what you have done compared to what you could have done.” ― Myles Munroe
I really hope that you have enjoyed reading the above collection of Myles Munroe Quotes.
Myles Munroe’s teachings on purpose, leadership, and personal growth remind us all of the limitless potential that lies within each of us.
Through his quotes, we are encouraged to pursue our dreams, inspired to embrace our uniqueness and motivated to make a positive impact in the world around us.
Let these Myles Munroe quotes serve as a source of inspiration to all of us as we strive to live a life of purpose and significance.
I really hope that these quotes by Myles Munroe will inspire us all to strive for greatness, boldly step into our destiny, and leave a lasting legacy that will continue to inspire future generations to come.