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8 Things To Do If You Are Feeling Sad

Damien Thomas





There is nothing wrong or unusual with feeling sad from time to time. The problem is when sadness grows and you feel like you just want to go to bed and put the covers over your head. Everyone is different and sadness can be triggered by many reasons.

Where you work can perhaps make you feel sad, your current financial situation can make you feel sad, the relationship that you are in might unfortunately make you feel sad. I am one of those people that if I look out the window in the morning and it is dark and raining, I sometimes feel sad. Do you ever feel sad but you just cannot put your finger on the reason why? Or do you ever feel sad and under the weather and you cannot seem to lift your spirits and be yourself again? I have found the following simple tips great ways to stop me from feeling sad and have me feeling happier in no time.

1. Write it down

The habit of journaling has many positive benefits. One of them being getting what is troubling you or feeling sad out of your head and down on paper. I find that the more that I think about a problem, the more my mind usually magnifies the situation. By writing down in your journal what is troubling you or making you feel sad, it will free up space in your head to help you to think clearer and more rationally to come up with a positive solution.

2. Exercise

I exercise a few times a week for a number of reasons. I want to improve my level of fitness, stay in shape and I also want to improve my mood and overall well-being. Regular exercise has been shown to be a great way to boost your mood and reduce stress levels. If you are feeling sad or a little bit down, go for a walk around the block or dust off those dumbells under the bed. Get the heart rate going and give yourself a boost of serotonin to lift your mood. You will be feeling better after a few minutes.

3. Take Action

Sometimes when you are feeling sad it can seem hard to motivate yourself to be productive and take action. A great way to give yourself a positive boost is to write out a new set of short, medium and long-term goals for yourself that will excite you and have you feeling better and motivated. The quicker that you go from feeling defeated and sad to being an action taker, the better you will start to feel about yourself.

4. Get Busy

I am not the biggest fan of doing housework, but if I am feeling down or a little sad, I find a great way to clear my head is to start cleaning my apartment. I put my favourite music on in the background and clean until everything sparkles. You can perhaps pick a room in your house and start clearing out old stuff that you no longer use. Keeping yourself busy can have a wonderful therapeutic effect, with the added bonus of having a clean and tidy home.

5. Help Others

When you are feeling sad, a great way to lift your mood is to help others. Maybe you could help someone in work with a presentation? Help a neighbor carry their groceries. Help your partner cook the dinner. A great way to help ourselves is to offer to help others first.

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6. Look After Yourself

A wonderful way to lift your spirits is to pamper yourself. Put aside some time to run a nice bubble bath, put on a facemask and chill out. I actually wrote the first half of this article with a homemade facemask on (coffee, honey, milk, lemon and cocoa). When I washed it off, I gave my skin an extra treat by using a Jade massage roller. I might not look any younger, but I just feel better about myself already. Looking after yourself also includes drinking enough water throughout the day and eating well.

7. Have A Laugh

Most of us have one of those special friends that can have us laughing after a few minutes of meeting them. Give them a call and meet them for a coffee and a good laugh. Laughter is a great cure if you are feeling sad. Perhaps you can watch your favorite comedy movie that cracks you up laughing every time that you watch it. Try to surround yourself by people and situations that will lift your mood.

8. Meditate

I must admit, I find it quite hard to meditate. I relax, focus on my breathing and try to clear my head. Instead a thousand different thoughts come flooding into my head. I have found a great way for me to meditate and to relax is to sit on my couch, switch on my Himalayan salt lamp and use my Tibetan singing bowl for a few minutes. I feel totally relaxed, and chilled out. Do whatever works for you. Meditation is a great habit to add to your daily routine, even if only for a few minutes each morning.

While the above tips will not prevent you from feeling sad. They may help you to get through how you are feeling. If the tips above do not help you, please talk to someone or seek further help. Close friends and family are a great source of comfort and help if you are feeling sad. Don’t try to bottle up your sadness. Eventually it will build up and manifest itself in some way or another. I have used all of the above tips when I have felt sad and they have helped me. I hope that if you are unfortunately feeling sad at the moment, they also will help you too.