11 Ways The Law Of Attraction Can Improve Your Life
In recent years, the Law Of Attraction theories have been directly attached to things like business, personal endeavors, and overall happy and healthy living. So, what exactly does the Law Of Attraction entail?
At its very core, the Law Of Attraction suggests that we attract what we think about. So, positive thinking can really have an impact on our overall lives, no matter what we do. It is sort of a heightened version of “If you can dream it, you can do it,” with a more realistic tone that people can’t seem to get enough of at the moment.
Whether you believe in the spiritual benefits, the ‘power of the universe,’ or something else entirely, let’s check out eleven ways the Law Of Attraction can improve your life.
1. Make Your Dreams Come True
This might sound like it’s coming straight from a Disney movie, but luckily for all of us, there is a lot of truth to it! When you start to believe in your dreams, and you begin to focus on the positive outcome, chances are, you will get that much closer to really making them come true. Think positively regarding your biggest dreams, and always think that they are possible to come true.
2. You Believe In Yourself
Positivity starts from within, and with the Law Of Attraction, your positive thinking toward yourself can boost your esteem, snuff out insecurities, and really make you believe in yourself more than you ever thought possible.
This could lead to trying new experiences, finding happiness in ways you never thought possible, and simply just feeling better about waking up every morning knowing who you are and what you can achieve.
When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around. — Willie Nelson
3. You Become A Product Of Your Thoughts
This is really the basis of the Law Of Attraction, and it sounds simple on paper: Think positively, live positively. Think negatively, and…well, you get the idea. While it may not always seem easy to shift our thoughts into a positive light, taking the time and focusing on doing just that can really turn your attitude around. By thinking positively, you can live a more positive and happy life, and that will reflect onto just about everything that you do.
Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. – Napolean Hill
4. You Will See Things Differently
Life does not always magically change before our eyes, but by using the Law Of Attraction, you can start to see things for what they can be, instead of what they currently are. Many athletes practice this by calling it ‘visualization.’ See yourself being successful. See yourself winning. See yourself making the best out of every situation before it even happens.
Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality. – Earl Nightingale
5. You Attract Abundance
When you use the Law Of Attraction, you are thinking about your own successes, rather than comparing yourself to the successes of others. Instead of thinking that you may never earn as much as your neighbor or friend, you should instead focus on your own success, which will make it absolutely unstoppable, and ever increasing.
There is no cap to how much you can have in the world of personal success when you stop comparing yourself to others. When you start thinking this way, it can also lead you to our next point…
6. You Cultivate An Attitude of Gratitude
The Law Of Attraction actually includes the Law Of Gratitude. This means, waking up every morning grateful for everything given to us. In thinking positively, this attitude should not be that difficult to achieve naturally, especially if you find your successes coming toward you because you are envisioning them.
But truly showing grace and gratefulness to everything that comes your way will not only help in making you appreciate the smallest gifts, but it will reflect onto other people. Gratitude is an infectious and wonderful characteristic to have!
Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough. – Oprah Winfrey
7. You Can Shove Disappointment Away
When we are disappointed, it almost works as a portal, allowing other negative things into our lives. Bad things sometimes happen, unfortunately, but by allowing ourselves to wallow in sorrow and disappointment will only open up more negative doors. Instead, start thinking about how to get what you want, or how you will move forward instead of focusing on the disappointment of what you don’t have or what you did not achieve in the past. This will help you get back on the road to thinking positively and achieving more successes in your life.
Your gratitude is magnetic, and the more gratitude you have, the more abundance you magnetize. It is Universal law! -Rhonda Byrne
8. You Will Become Stronger Than Outside Forces
Things like television, movies, advertisements, etc. can lead us down dark holes of thinking with negative themes, sad stories, etc. When you practice positive thinking, you can overcome things like that, letting stories remain where they are instead of influencing your life.
This is not to say you should ignore all the ‘bad things’ that happen in the world. Going forward, make an effort to seek the many positive stories happening in the world around you and tip the balance in favor of positivity.
Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education and peace.-Rhonda Byrne
9. Freedom From Bad Relationships
Negative thinking attracts negative relationships. If you have experienced your share of those relationships in the past, whether with friends, family, or romantically, you probably understand exactly what that means.
It is okay to purge those relationships from your mind with positive thinking, and be encouraged by the fact that your future can be and will be much brighter: Positive thinking attracts positive, healthy relationships.
10. Become Magnetic
If you can spend as little as 10-15 minutes each day, thinking positively about your successes, your goals, and your dreams, it will affect your entire day in the best way possible. Not only will that positive thinking make it easier to reach those goals and achieve those dreams, but people will notice the energy surrounding you, and want to be a part of it.
Richness is not about what you have. It is about who you are. – Bob Proctor
11. Trust Your Emotions
The power that comes with harnessing your thoughts and attitude also allows you to ‘trust your instincts’ more, instead of overthinking and analyzing everything to the point of potentially backing out of it. By knowing that you are thinking positively, your instant reactions will be more positive, and in turn, you will be able to experience things more fully.
The Law Of Attraction can work for almost anyone if you just set your mind to it. With so many resources available, and so many successes that can come with utilizing this great way of thinking, there are really no limits to how the Law Of Attraction can really change, and improve your life.
Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, take action today – Damien Thomas
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