50 Jocko Willink Quotes That Will Totally Inspire You

I really hope that you will enjoy reading this wonderful collection of inspirational Jocko Willink Quotes.
Jocko Willink is a retired U.S. Navy SEAL officer, bestselling author, and motivational speaker.
Jocko Willink is best known for his leadership principles, which he has shared through his best selling books “Extreme Ownership” and “Leadership Strategy & Tactics” and on his very popular podcast, “The Jocko Podcast.”
He is a prominent figure in the world of Leadership, Teamwork and personal development, emphasizing the benefits of discipline, taking responsibility, and having mental toughness.
I am sure that after reading these Jocko Quotes, you will want to take action to improve some aspects of your life that might need some attention.
If you are ready to feel totally inspired and be more disciplined, I am sure that the following Jocko Willink quotes will help you.
Jocko Willink Quotes
1. “Every day that you don’t do work, you’re going backwards.” – Jocko Willink
2. “Stop researching every aspect of it and reading all about it and debating the pros and cons of it … Start doing it.” – Jocko Willink
3. “No matter what is happening, no matter how hard the fight is. As long as you keep fighting, you win.” – Jocko Willink
4. “There is no growth in the comfort zone.” – Jocko Willink
5. “Don’t fight stress. Embrace it. Turn it on itself. Use it to make yourself sharper and more alert. Use it to make you think and learn and get better and smarter and more effective.” – Jocko Willink
6. “If you get out there and do your best, you will either win, or you will learn.” – Jocko Willink Quote
7. “When a team takes ownership of its problems, the problem gets solved. It is true on the battlefield, it is true in business, and it is true in life.” – Jocko Willink
8. “Instead of letting the situation dictate our decisions, we must dictate the situation.” – Jocko Willink
9. “Even if you can’t perform at a high level, showing up and doing something is still a thousand times better than not showing up at all.” – Jocko Willink
Jocko Quotes
10. “When you want to earn respect, give respect, when you earn influence, give influence, when you want to earn trust, give trust, all those three are related.” – Jocko Willink
11. “Leading people is the most challenging and, therefore, the most gratifying undertaking of all human endeavors.” – Jocko Willink
12. “Don’t count on motivation. Count on discipline.” – Jocko Willink
13. “Don’t just think. Don’t just talk. Don’t just dream. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is that you actually do. So do!” – Jocko Willink
14. “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Jocko Willink
15. “Where does discipline come from? It’s pretty simple and pretty obvious. Discipline comes from within. It’s an internal force.” – Jocko Willink
16. “There is no shortcut. There is no hack. There’s only one way. So get after it.” – Jocko Willink Quote
17. “Self-discipline comes from the self, it comes from you. It comes from when you make a decision to be disciplined. When you make a decision to be better, when you make a decision to do more and to be more. Self-discipline comes when you decide that you’re going to make a mark on the world.” – Jocko Willink
18. “Discipline is your best friend. It will take care of you like nothing else can.” – Jocko Willink
19. Don’t give into the instant gratification that is whispering in your ear. Shut that voice down and say “not today”. – Jocko Willink
Jocko Willink Leadership Quotes
20. “You already know what the right thing to do is. You just gotta do it.” – Jocko Willink
21. “The shortcut is a lie. The hack doesn’t get you there. And if you want to take the easy road, it won’t take you to where you want to be: Stronger. Smarter. Faster. Healthier. Better.” – Jocko Willink
22. “Everyone wants some magic pill, some life hack, that eliminates the need to do the work. But that does not exist.” – Jocko Willink
23. “Effective leaders lead successful teams that accomplish their mission and win. Ineffective leaders do not.” – Jocko Willink
24. “Don’t let your mind control you. Control your mind.” – Jocko Willink Quote
25. “Once people stop making excuses, stop blaming others, and take ownership of everything in their lives, they are compelled to take action to solve their problems.” – Jocko Willink
26. “Hesitation is the enemy. It allows the moment to pass, the opportunity to be lost, the enemy to get the upper hand.” – Jocko Willink
27. “Fear is normal. Every person feels fear at some point. Step aggressively towards your fear — that is the step into bravery.” – Jocko Willink
28. “What makes you a disciplined person, is choosing to be disciplined.” – Jocko Willink
29. “Freedom is what everyone wants – to be able to act and live with freedom. But the only way to get to a place of freedom is through discipline.” – Jocko Willink
Jocko Willink Inspirational Quotes
30. “Get out there and live and strive to be better, because the life you got it is a gift, so live it!” – Jocko Willink
31. “One of the best mental disciplines for people to implement is simply putting together a schedule or a task list and actually executing it.” – Jocko Willink
32. “Good leaders don’t make excuses. Instead, they figure out a way to get it done.” – Jocko Willink
33. “If you can say the word good, guess what? It means you’re still alive, it means you’re still breathing, and if you’re still breathing, well then hell, you still got some fight left in you.” – Jocko Willink
34. “Unless you do the work, the world will never see your vision.” – Jocko Willink
35. “It’s the grind that sharpens the axe.” – Jocko Willink Quote
36. “The more you practice, the better you get, the more freedom you have to create.” – Jocko Willink
37. “Just do some kind of workout. Doesn’t matter if it’s going for a walk around the block, going for a jog, doing some calisthenics, lifting weights, going to a pool and swimming – you name it. But do something that gets your blood flowing and gets your mind in the game.” – Jocko Willink
38. “You’re not going to find happiness. You have to make it. So get out there and make some happiness.” – Jocko Willink
39. “Getting out of bed is like the foundation of the discipline, and I think it carries over into everything else.” – Jocko Willink
Motivational Jocko Quotes
40. “Do not lie to yourself, tell yourself the truth. That is where discipline comes from.” – Jocko Willink
41. “There is no easy way. There is only hard work, late nights, early mornings, practice, rehearsal, repetition, study, sweat, blood, toil, frustration, and discipline.” – Jocko Willink
42. “I’m always reading the next book. Taking notes. Highlighting, researching, studying. It doesn’t stop.” – Jocko Willink
43. “To implement real change, to drive people to accomplish something truly complex or difficult or dangerous, you can’t make people do these things. You have to lead them.” – Jocko Willink
44. “If you don’t think you are disciplined: It is because you haven’t decided to be disciplined…Yet.” – Jocko Willink Quote
45. “We all have a tendency to avoid our weaknesses. When we do that, we never progress or get any better.” – Jocko Willink
46. “One day you’re gonna look back at the challenges you faced and say, “Thank you for making me better.” – Jocko Willink
47. “Things won’t get better dwelling on the past. Accept what has happened. Then move forward.” – Jocko Willink
48. “Some days I win, and some days I don’t. But each and every day, I get back up.” – Jocko Willink
When you don’t understand a word — get out the dictionary.
When you don’t understand a concept — break it down until you do.
When you don’t know how something works — dig into it until you do.
Ask every question that comes to mind. That is how you learn.
And most important: Question yourself.
Question yourself every day.
Ask yourself:
Who am I? What have I learned? What have I created?
What forward progress have I made? Who have I helped?
What am I doing to improve myself — today? To get better, faster, stronger, healthier, smarter?
Is this what I want to be? This…?
Is this all I’ve got — is this everything I can give? Is this going to be my life? Do I accept that?
Ask yourself those questions, those hard questions
and then answer them, truthfully.
And realize that all of us — ALL OF US — can do better.
We can be better. And it starts when you begin to ask those questions … So ask the hard questions of yourself — and find the path to progress and discipline and to freedom inside the answers. – Jocko Willink
50. “Get up and go! Take the risk, take the gamble, take the first step. Take action. And don’t let another day slip by.” – Jocko Willink Quote
This collection of Jocko Willink Quotes remind us all of the importance of self discipline, leadership, and persistence.
Whether you are seeking some motivation, guidance, or a fresh outlook on leadership, his wonderful quotes are sure to serve as a powerful source of inspiration for you.
I really hope that you will use the above Jocko Willink quotes as a source for inspiration and guidance on your own amazing journey of personal growth and happiness in your life.