10 Daily Habits For An Awesome Life
I felt inspired to put this list of daily habits together after I was feeling a little bit sad for a few days. Yes, that’s right, even positive people like me can feel a little bit down every now and then. But rather than let sadness control me and effect different areas of my life, I sat down and put together a list of positive daily habits that I would follow that would change my mindset, put me back on track and that would also lift my spirit immediately.
I wrote down a list of positive habits that had helped me in the past to feel more confident and be more positive. Once I put this list together, I made a conscious habit to follow each one every day and the results were awesome. This is a wonderful list of habits that will help anyone who is feeling a little bit low at the moment or indeed for anyone who wants to take their lives to another positive level altogether.
Wake Up Earlier
By waking up an hour earlier than normal is a total game changer. This extra hour will give you plenty of time to follow each of the awesome daily habits that I highly recommend. Rather than waking up, taking a quick shower before getting dressed and running out of the door every morning. Getting up an hour earlier will give you plenty of time to do all of the following life changing habits. Waking up earlier might seem a little bit difficult at first, but if you start going to bed an hour earlier it will become quite easy. Learn more about The Ultimate 10 Minute Morning Routine here.
“Have goals that make you want to jump out of bed every morning.”
Drink More Water
Most people think that they wont get through their day without a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. However, nothing will give you more energy and more focus than starting your day with a glass of refreshing water. Also as an added bonus, not only will you start to feel better, but you may even start look better. Water helps to rehydrate your body from the inside out, and while that includes your organs and muscles, it also includes your skin. Having proper hydration, especially in the morning, can help your skin to have a healthy glow all day long. There are many benefits of drinking water every day here are some more…
Say Positive Affirmations
How you speak to yourself consciously or subconsciously every morning will have a dramatic effect on your mindset. What you tell yourself can have a huge impact on your entire day. I like to start my day by reading out loud some of my favorite quotes. Reading positive quotes in the morning will inspire you to have more belief in yourself, to have more belief in your goals and they will inspire you to take positive action every day. I also like to affirm a few positive affirmations in front of the mirror every morning. This felt really unusual at first, but when I say with total belief “I feel positive, I feel confident, I feel happy” a big smile comes on my face and I stand a little bit taller and I get a wonderful feeling inside.
Here are some examples of powerful affirmations that you can use, but feel free to write down your own powerful daily affirmations.
‘I am feeling happy and enthusiastic about life.’
‘My heart is overflowing with joy.’
‘Every day in every way, I am becoming more and more successful.’
‘I am feeling powerful, confident, energetic, and on top of the world.’
‘When I breath, I inhale confidence, positivity and enthusiasm.’
30 minutes of exercise in the morning will help to boost your endorphin’s and will put a smile on your face for the rest of the day. Your skin will also glow, as you will feel totally energized from head to toe. You wont get that feeling from drinking a cup of coffee. Have your exercise clothes and workout area prepared from the night before. Don’t wait until you have to get into shape for your holidays before you start to exercise. Start this wonderful habit as soon as possible.
Practicing a few minutes of meditation every morning is a wonderful way of relaxing your mind and helping you to focus on the important things in life. A few minutes of meditation every morning will also help to reduce any anxiety or stress that you might be feeling. Meditation can also help you to be more creative and productive. The list of benefits from meditation is vast and really worth the personal investment.
Write in your Journal
Writing in my journal every day is the most powerful daily habit that I practice. I strongly suggest that you start this wonderful habit as soon as possible. You will be so glad that you did. From writing down what you are grateful for, your plans for the day, your goals and dreams for the future and your thoughts of the present. Journaling is a powerful uplifting habit that can be a real life changer. Here is a useful article that I wrote about how I journal every day.
Read Your Goals
Do you have a list of your exciting one year goals? If you don’t, I strongly suggest that make this a major priority. When you have a list of goals that inspire you, they can help to totally turn your life around. Knowing were you are heading, and following a careful plan is a totally uplifting feeling. But don’t just write out your goals and forget about them. Read them everyday, and take one action step every day towards achieving them.
Believe In Yourself
When you believe in yourself anything is possible. All of your goals, dreams and your exciting plans for the future all seem very achievable. When you start to believe in your abilities, your strengths and your skills you know that you have the power within you to overcome and accomplish anything that you want to. Don’t wait for others to believe in you, start by having total belief in yourself first. Remember, if anyone can do it you can!
Show More Gratitude
When you start to show more gratitude to the wonderful world around you, you will become a much more happier person, more positive like minded people will be drawn to you, and you will start to feel better about yourself, and more wonderful things will start to show up in your life. I personally write down three things that I am grateful for every morning. Sometimes in our busy lives we forget to stop for a few moments to really enjoy and show more gratitude to the wonderful things in our lives. Everyday take a few minutes to show gratitude for the beautiful sights, sounds, and smells around you, as well as the experiences and the people that you love.
Take Action
If you want long lasting positive change in you life you have to take more action. You cannot just hope and wish for a better life, you have to go out and make it happen. I really hope that you start a few positive habits as soon as possible. Nothing will give me more happiness than to know that you took action to make your life better. I know that you can and I totally believe that you will.