7 Life Changing Questions To Ask Yourself In Your Thirties
Many of us sail through most of our twenties without a care in the world. Some go to college, some get a job straight away, and some of us of travel the world…but whatever we decide to do, there always seems to be a sense of fun, exploration, and adventure behind it.
Somewhere along the line, turning thirty became the new cutting off point of reaching adulthood, and the assumption is that once you’re in your thirties, it is time to officially ‘grow up.’ That can be a good thing for some, and a scary thing for others.
While a lot of us would like to say that we have everything figured out in our thirties, that is not always the case. Sometimes, we still need to take the time to sit down and think, and ask ourselves some serious questions.
It is not always easy, but it can actually be very beneficial when it comes to your overall emotional health, and really appreciating where you are in your life. Go ahead and ask yourself these seven life changing questions.
I hope that you will come up with some great answers and who knows you might be inspired to take some exciting action in your life today!
1. What are my goals now?
It is natural to have goals as you grow up. From graduating high school, to getting into college, finding a good job, being in a relationship, having kids, etc. Everyone has their own personal goals, and they usually change over time.
But by the time you’re in your thirties, many of those goals that you created a long time ago have likely either been achieved, or maybe even forgotten about. Ask yourself what short, medium and long-term goals do you have now, and how are you going to achieve them?
Setting exciting goals for yourself is a great way to feel refreshed and excited about your future. So, instead of focusing on things you haven’t yet accomplished, figure out what do you want to achieve and how are you going to achieve them.
2. What am I passionate about?
There are very few people who get to work in the careers they truly love. But, life doesn’t have to revolve solely around work. Whether you love your job or not, could you say that you’re passionate about it?
If not your job, then what? Perhaps you have a few hobbies, collections, or interests, or maybe you are passionate about your relationship, or your family.
These passions can fuel a lot of emotion and desires for moving forward, so it is important to know what truly makes you tick on a day to day basis.
3. Who are my real friends?
In high school, and in our early twenties (especially in college), it seems all too easy to have a ton of friends, and be surrounded by people all of the time.
As we get later into our twenties, those friendships can dwindle as people began to branch off into their own lives.
By the time we are in our thirties, it is more important to count on a few strong friends in your life, than having a big group at all time.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
4. Where do I want to live?
Whether you ended up somewhere completely new for work after college, or if you moved back to your hometown, your thirties are the perfect time to decide where you really want to plant your roots, whether that’s for the rest of your life, or just for a few years.
You are still young enough to make this decision and have a long, happy life in one location that makes you happy. If you don’t love where you live, maybe it is time to consider moving somewhere new!
5. How can I improve my health?
In your teenage years and in your twenties you almost feel invincible. You feel that you need less sleep, you are full of energy, and the importance of being in good health can be sometimes far down on our list of priorities.
As we turn thirty, some of us start to feel more aches and pains where we didn’t before; we feel the need for more sleep, and we are less able for the late nights at the weekend.
Improving your health through a balanced diet and regular exercise will pay off huge dividends now and in the future. If you want to be full of vitality ask yourself this important question today!
6. Do I want to be in a relationship?
People are now getting married later and later in life, and it’s certainly not uncommon or ‘taboo’ in any way for someone in their thirties to be single. But, it is also a good time to ask yourself what do you really want, as far as love goes.
Do you want to be in a committed relationship? Do you want something more casual? Would you like to get married and have a family someday?
This is a particular question that will undoubtedly be a springboard for more questions, but they’re all equally important, and something no one can decide for you.
7. What will make me happy?
While no one actually knows the ultimate secret and key to undying happiness, it is important to ask yourself, especially in your thirties, what makes you happy.
With the fun and exciting glow of college and your twenties behind you, most people have a life of work to look forward to, but what’s going to make you really happy, either in your career field, or elsewhere?
Maybe you won’t have the answer for right away, and maybe it will take several more years of self-discovery, and similar questions, but this may be the most important thing to ask yourself, and keep asking yourself, until you are sure of the answer. Then, you can go out there and capture that happiness!
“If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.” – Jim Rohn
Your thirties can be a really wonderful time, and you don’t have to automatically think that just because you are out of your twenties that the fun and excitement stops.
Life is truly what you make of it, and while all of us will be questioning ourselves and our lives forever, truly sitting down and thinking about these particular questions, and how you answer them in your thirties can give you some insight into your current life, and how your life might live your life in the future.
Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions, and don’t be worried if you can’t come up with the answers just yet. You have your whole wonderful life ahead of you to find the answers!