25 Inspirational Brad Lea Quotes
Brad Lea is a self-made entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, philanthropist, podcaster and author.
With over 25 years experience in sales & marketing. People call Brad “The Real Brad Lea” because he keeps it real and tells the truth, no matter what.
Brad is the founder of LightSpeed VT, a global leader in web-based training. Some of his clients include Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, and Shark Tank’s Daymond John.
Brad is passionate about helping people around the world succeed. He actually created the Dropping Bombs podcast to help people succeed in Life and in Business.
His mission is to get the knowledge from the people who have it, to the people who need it.
I recommend following Brad Lea on Instagram and YouTube for a regular dose of success tips, straight talking and great interviews.
I hope that you will enjoy this inspirational collection of Brad Lea quotes.
1. “There’s no key to success, it’s a combination.” – Brad Lea
2. “You can’t get rich making poor choices.” – Brad Lea
3. “If it costs you your integrity, the price is too high.” – Brad Lea
4. “If it’s not win/win it’s not a deal.” – Brad Lea
5. “People don’t recognize opportunity because it looks like risk.” – Brad Lea
6. “Stop looking for the “KEY” or the “SECRET” to success, study the greats and discover their combinations.” – Brad Lea
7. “Nothing can affect you without your permission.” – Brad Lea
8. “The best way to help yourself, is to help someone else.” – Brad Lea
9. “Determination is the fuel for success. Without it, you’re not going anywhere.” – Brad Lea
10. “Set goals that seem impossible, because when you start reaching them, you’ll realize how much more you’re capable of.” – Brad Lea
11. “It’s not lack of skill, it’s lack of will.” – Brad Lea
12. “It takes a lot of early mornings and late nights to become an overnight success!” – Brad Lea
13. “With the right knowledge, success is guaranteed.” – Brad Lea
14. “Where attention goes, energy flows. Where energy flows, things GROW. Be conscious of what you FOCUS on.” – Brad Lea
15. “Stop letting others define what success is to you.” – Brad Lea
16. “It doesn’t matter what kind of day you’re having — the fact that you have another day is enough to be grateful for.” – Brad Lea
17. “If you are not ready, do it anyway!” – Brad Lea
18. “Make mistakes, make wins, fail, and try again, but never settle. The only time you lose is when you accept average.” – Brad Lea
19. “You can’t win at 50% effort, always give 100%” – Brad Lea
20. “Real wealth is having something money can’t buy.” – Brad Lea
21. “Everyone has a superpower.” – Brad Lea
22. “Focus on creating success not just for yourself, but for everyone you deal with, it’s the only path to long term success.” – Brad Lea
23. “A positive mind will take you anywhere you want to go.” – Brad Lea
24. Don’t let your distractions become your destination. – Brad Lea
25. What you put up with, you end up with. – Brad Lea
Check out Brad here:
Check his Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/therealbradlea/
Check his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/VTBRADLEA/videos
Visit Brad’s website at https://www.bradlea.com/
Visit Brad’s podcast at https://www.droppingbombs.com/
Check his Twitter at https://twitter.com/TheRealBradLea
Check his Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheRealBradLea/