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25 Empowering Tai Lopez Quotes On Success

Damien Thomas



Tai Lopez Quotes On Success

Tai Lopez is an investor, entrepreneur, internet marketer and modern day online influencer. He has millions of followers across Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Tai Lopez went from poverty to living in the Hollywood Hills and shares his wealth of knowledge and insights about health, money, relationships and human behaviour.

I hope that you will enjoy this collection of the very best Tai Lopez quotes and that they empower you to take action to achieve your goals.


Tai Lopez Quotes On Success


1. “If I could have one super power, without a doubt, it would be the ability to stay cool under intense pressure. What could be more important?” ― Tai Lopez


2. “You can get most things you want in life. It’s just that most goals will take one or two years longer than expected. Be patient.” ― Tai Lopez


3. “True wealth is being able to drop whatever it is your doing and go do something else or travel somewhere else without any worry.” ― Tai Lopez


4. “One thing I’ve noticed with the successful. They don’t spend a lot of time on the past.” ― Tai Lopez


5. “If all you do is look forward to the weekend, holidays and time away from your job, you have a serious problem.” ― Tai Lopez


6. “Make a list of the people you admire and what makes them amazing. Then go out and become those things yourself.” ― Tai Lopez


7. “My favorite way to make money is while I sleep.” ― Tai Lopez


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“Obsessed is a word used often by the lazy, in order to describe the dedicated.” ― Tai Lopez


9. “The current education system forgot, you have to inspire kids. You can’t just lecture them.” ― Tai Lopez


10. “Be humble. Persevere. Read more. Toughen up.” ― Tai Lopez


11. “Never sacrifice physical health in the pursuit of money. That’s a given. Figure out a strategy to raise both simultaneously.” ― Tai Lopez


12. “Remember that your brain isn’t built for happiness. It’s built for survival. Happiness is something you have to create after-the-fact.” ― Tai Lopez


13. “Your life should be dominated by only one main fear: Not fully optimizing today. That’s the healthiest fear in the world.” ― Tai Lopez


14. “Make a list of the people you admire and what makes them amazing. Then go out and become those things yourself.” ― Tai Lopez


15. “People think I’m joking when I say that whoever experiments the most in life wins. But I’m not…” ― Tai Lopez


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“The day you figure out your career destiny is the day your true financial freedom begins.” ― Tai Lopez


17. “If it won’t matter in one week, one month or one year, then don’t worry about it.” ― Tai Lopez


18. “Don’t let procrastination kill your hopes and dreams.” ― Tai Lopez


19. “Increase your attention span. Your ability to concentrate predicts your long term success at almost anything.” ― Tai Lopez


20. “The penalty for procrastination is the loss of hopes and dreams.” Tai Lopez


21. “Never wait until it’s too late. Don’t let tragedy be your only trigger for revaluation and action.” ― Tai Lopez


22. “Never chase what you want. Elevate your game until what you want chases you.” ― Tai Lopez


23. “Increase your attention span. Your ability to concentrate predicts your long term success at almost anything.” ― Tai Lopez


24. “If you want to motivate people, you have to be motivated. It’s contagious.” ― Tai Lopez


25. “Everybody wants more out of life. Question is, what do you want?” ― Tai Lopez