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Highly Motivational Joe Rogan Quotes

Damien Thomas



Joe Rogan Quotes

This great collection of Joe Rogan quotes are both highly motivational and very inspirational.

Joe Rogan is a popular stand up comedian, MMA announcer, martial artist and popular Podcast host. His hilarious and sometimes off the wall podcast The Joe Rogan Experience gets hundreds of thousands of listeners every week.

The following Joe Rogan quotes are a reflection of his unique and often controversial views on life and the world.

His words are often motivating, challenging and thought-provoking, encouraging people to think critically and to strive for continuous self-improvement.

Whether discussing the nature of consciousness, the importance of self-awareness, or even the power of positive thinking, the following Joe Rogan quotes are very insightful and inspiring.


Motivational Joe Rogan Quotes

1. “If things aren’t going the way you want them to go, then do something about it! Quit talking about your problems and go out and do something to fix them!” ― Joe Rogan


2. “90% of success is just showing up. Get there and start working. You’re not going to feel perfect everyday. There’s gotta be those days you push through.” ― Joe Rogan


3. “Live your life like you’re the hero in your own movie.” ― Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan Inspirational Quote


4. “The key to happiness doesn’t lay in numbers in a bank account but in the way we make others feel and the way they make us feel.” ― Joe Rogan


5. “We define ourselves far too often by our past failures. That’s not you. You are this person right now. You’re the person who has learned from those failures. Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired.” ― Joe Rogan


6. “Your attitude has a giant effect not just on your life, but on other peoples lives around you.” ― Joe Rogan Quote


Joe Rogan Quotes


7. “Get better at whatever you’re doing. So what if you suck at it now. Everybody sucks at everything when they start. But if you love it, and don’t lie to yourself, then get better at it.” ― Joe Rogan


8. “All the time that you spend complaining, you could instead be hustling. You could be chasing your dream. You could be figuring out what you’re doing wrong and improving your life.” ― Joe Rogan


9. “Be the hero of your own story.” ― Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan Hero Quote


Joe Rogan Quotes

10. “It’s been one of the most important tools for me in personal growth for understanding myself, who I am, and what effect I do have on other people.” ― Joe Rogan


11. “There’s only one way to get good at anything; you surround yourself with the best who are doing exactly what you do and you force yourself to keep up and inspire each other.” ― Joe Rogan


12. “Greatness and madness are next door neighbors and they often borrow each other’s sugar.” ― Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan Quote


13. “I realized a long time ago that instead of being jealous you can be inspired and appreciative. It carries more energy to you.” ― Joe Rogan


14. “The Universe rewards calculated risk and passion.” ― Joe Rogan


15. “There is a direct correlation between positive energy and positive results.” ― Joe Rogan Quote


Joe Rogan Quotes


16. “The time you spend hating on someone robs you of your own time. You are literally hating on yourself and you don’t even realize it.” ― Joe Rogan


17. “Once you understand what excellence is all about, you see how excellence manifests itself in any discipline.” ― Joe Rogan


18. “Write down what you would like to fix about your life and go out and do it the right way.” ― Joe Rogan


Inspirational Joe Rogan Quotes


19. “You have to challenge yourself every day and push yourself out of your comfort zone if you want to grow.” ― Joe Rogan


Motivational Joe Rogan Quotes

20. “Work for that feeling that you have accomplished something…Don’t waste your time on this earth without making a mark.” ― Joe Rogan


21. “Excellence in anything increases your potential in everything.” ― Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan Quotes


* Here are some more great Joe Rogan Quotes for you to enjoy:


22. “I’m obsessed to extreme winners because I think there’s a madness to it. I truly believe that in order to truly be great at something you have to give into a certain amount of madness.” ― Joe Rogan


23. “Life is about growth, learning from the past, and moving forward with a positive attitude.” ― Joe Rogan


24. “Haters are all failures. It’s 100% across the board. No one who is truly brilliant at anything is a hater.” ― Joe Rogan Quote


Motivational Joe Rogan Quote


25. “Write down things you want to improve. Write down things you won’t tolerate from yourself. Write down things you never want to see yourself do again.” ― Joe Rogan


26. “Be cool to people. Be nice to as many people as you can. Smile to as many people as you can, and have them smile back at you.” ― Joe Rogan


27. “The time you spend hating on someone robs you of your own time. You are literally hating yourself and you don’t even realize it.” ― Joe Rogan


Best Joe Rogan Quotes


28. “It’s very important to help people figure out how to manage life, to help people figure out how to think, help inspire them, help show them what can be gained from setting goals and achieving them and that excellent feeling – and that becomes contagious.” ― Joe Rogan


29. “I want to talk about the nature of human beings or how we’re evolving as a race.” ― Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan Motivational Quotes

30. “If you can control what you eat, you can control all other aspects of your life.” ― Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan Quotes


31. “Do things that are difficult. It’s very important to struggle. You don’t get to know yourself without struggle. You don’t know who you are until you get tested.” ― Joe Rogan


32. “If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe.” ― Joe Rogan


33. “The people I know that have the hardest time keeping it together emotionally are people that don’t work out.” ― Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan Image Quote


34. “Selling your life to sit in a box and work for a machine. An uncaring machine that demands productivity that doesn’t understand you and doesn’t want to understand you… There’s no natural behaviour. Everyone is wearing clothes they don’t want to wear. Everybody is showing up and doing something they don’t want to do. They have no connection to it. That’s the problem with our society.” ― Joe Rogan


35. “In all my travelings, all my life adventures; I have to say I still don’t know what life is, absolutely no clue, and it is a subject that is constantly on my mind. One thing I do know for a fact is that the nicer we are to our fellow human beings, the nicer the universe is to us.” ― Joe Rogan


36. “I love a success story, but even more than a success story; I like a dude who f**ks his life up and gets his life together again story.” ― Joe Rogan Quote


Joe Rogan Quotes


37. “Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired.” ― Joe Rogan


38. “What’s interesting about science is that we’re constantly discovering new things about the universe, about ourselves, about our bodies, about diseases, about the possibilities of the future. It’s amazing. Science is one of the coolest things about being a human being, without a doubt.” ― Joe Rogan


39. “Someone else’s success does not equal a failure for you.” ― Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan Quotes


40. “The only way to get where you want in life is by working hard and never giving up on yourself.” ― Joe Rogan


The above Joe Rogan quotes are a reflection of his perspective on life and the world. His words often challenge the status quo, encouraging us to question authority and to think critically about the world around us.

These Joe Rogan Quotes encourages us to be more curious, to constantly seek knowledge and to never stop learning.

His quotes also remind us all to be more open-minded and to never be afraid to challenge even our own beliefs.

Joe Rogan strongly encourages us to embrace our individuality, to be true to ourselves and to continually strive for self-improvement.

Joe often touches on topics related to health and fitness on his podcast, encouraging us to take care of ourselves, both physically and mentally, and to strive for more balance in every aspect of our lives.

I hope that you enjoyed these Joe Rogan quotes and that you found them thought-provoking. I also hope that these quotes can inspire us all to think deeper about the world and our important place in it.