Inspirational Matthew McConaughey Quotes

Matthew McConaughey is an actor, producer and author who has spent over 20 years working in the entertainment industry.
Matthew McConaughey has starred in dozens of popular films including Interstellar, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, The Wolf of Wall Street and his Academy award winning performance in the Dallas Buyers Club.
Matthew is also a prominent thought leader in the personal development arena. He has given some great interviews on shows such as Tom Bilyeu‘s Impact Theory and Lewis Howes’ The School of Greatness. His book Greenlights was number 1 on the New York Times Best Seller List.
Matthew McConaughey is a household name associated with acting, wisdom and insight into how to become more successful and live your best life.
I hope that you enjoy this wonderful collection of Matthew McConaughey quotes.
1. “There’s two sorts of fear: one you embrace and one you should listen to and turn the other way.” – Matthew McConaughey
2. “I believe in living in the present and making each day count. I don’t pay much attention to the past or the future.” – Matthew McConaughey
3. “We dissect failure a lot more than we dissect success.” – Matthew McConaughey
4. “Life is not fair, it never was and it is now and it won’t ever be. Do not fall into the trap. The entitlement trap, of feeling like you’re a victim. You are not.” – Matthew McConaughey
5. “There are three things, to my account, that I need each day. One of them is something to look up to, another is something to look forward to, and another is someone to chase.” – Matthew McConaughey
6. “Don’t walk into a place like you wanna buy it, walk in like you own it.” – Matthew McConaughey
7. “We have a big appetite for putting people down but, at the heart of everyone, there’s enough room for all of us to succeed.” – Matthew McConaughey
8. “I’m not perfect; no, I step in shit all the time and recognize it when I do. I’ve just learned how to scrape it off my boots and carry on.” – Matthew McConaughey
9. “Persist, pivot, or concede. It’s up to us, our choice every time.” – Matthew McConaughey
10. “I’d rather lose money having fun than make money being bored.” – Matthew McConaughey
11. “Life is not a popularity contest. Take the hill, but first answer the question: What is my hill?” – Matthew McConaughey
12. “Life is our resume. It is our story to tell, and the choices we make write the chapters. Can we live in a way where we look forward to looking back?” – Matthew McConaughey
13. “Sometimes which choice you make is not as important as making a choice and committing to it.” – Matthew McConaughey
14. “You want to be a writer? Start writing. You want to be a filmmaker? Start shooting stuff on your phone right now.” – Matthew McConaughey
15. “Catching greenlights is about skill: intent, context, consideration, endurance, anticipation, resilience, speed, and discipline. We can catch more greenlights by simply identifying where the red lights are in our life, and then change course to hit fewer of them.” – Matthew McConaughey
16. “Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.” – Matthew McConaughey
17. “It’s a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates.” – Matthew McConaughey
18. “To select a path for your life, you need to know yourself, your interests, where you want to see yourself in the coming future.” – Matthew McConaughey
19. “Defining ourselves by what we are not is the first steps that leads us to what we are.” – Matthew McConaughey
20. “A man should always have his diary on him. That way he’s guaranteed to have something incredible to read.” – Matthew McConaughey
21. “Sometimes you gotta go back to go forward. And I don’t mean going back to reminisce or chase ghosts. I mean go back to see where you came from, where you been and how you got here.” – Matthew McConaughey
22. “The best advice comes from people who don’t give advice.” – Matthew McConaughey
23. “Give thanks. Appreciate what you do have…the more we give thanks, the more we receive to be thankful for. Gratitude is the gift that always gives back.” – Matthew McConaughey
24. “Every hero doesn’t do this great big hero thing. They do the simple thing over and over…and they stick to it.” – Matthew McConaughey
25. “So to any of us, whatever those things are: whatever it is we look up to, whatever it is we look forward to, and whoever it is we’re chasin’. To that I say: Amen. To that I say: Alright, alright, alright. To that I say: Just keep livin’.” – Matthew McConaughey
This collection of Matthew McConaughey Quotes are a typical reflection of his unique perspective on life and his own journey of self-discovery.
His words of wisdom of living in the present moment, being true to oneself and embracing change, are a source of inspiration and motivation to many.
Matthew’s message is a simple yet profound one, reminding us that life is a journey and that it’s important to enjoy every step along the way.
His quotes remind us that we have the power to shape our destiny and that by being true to ourselves, we can achieve great things.
I hope that these Matthew McConaughey Quotes serve as a powerful source of inspiration and guidance to you as you navigate your own exciting journey through life.