Inspirational Jim Kwik Quotes From Limitless
I hope that you will really enjoy the following collection of Jim Kwik Quotes and that they will inspire you.
Jim Kwik is an Entrepreneur, Brain Coach, Mindvalley Trainer and successful Author. Jim is best known for his speed-reading and memory techniques.
Jim has taught his learning techniques to students from universities such as NYU, Harvard, Columbia and Stanford, as well as executives and employees from companies such as Nike, GE, Zappos, SpaceX, and Virgin to get the most out of work and life.
In his best selling book Limitless, Jim Kwik shares how you can upgrade your brain and memory and learn how to increase your focus, optimize your work time, and form healthy habits.
This powerful book will give you the tools to accomplish more: More productivity, More transformation, More personal success, and business achievement – by mastering the 3 M’s: Mindset, Motivation, and Methods.
Jim Kwik Quotes
1. Remember, one step in a better direction can completely change your destination. — Jim Kwik
2. We are all superheroes in one way or another. — Jim Kwik
3. Being Limitless is not about being perfect. It’s about progressing beyond what you currently believe is possible. — Jim Kwik
4. All of us can be the heroes of our own story, dipping into the well of our potential every single day and never having that well run dry. But so few of us approach our lives this way. — Jim Kwik
5. When you do what others won’t, you can live how others can’t. — Jim Kwik
6. Most everything else is finite, but the human mind is the ultimate superpower — there is no limit to our creativity, imagination, determination, or ability to think, reason, or learn. — Jim Kwik
7. People who know their purpose in life know who they are, what they are, and why they are. And when you know yourself, it becomes easier to live a life that’s true to your core values. — Jim Kwik
8. Being Limitless is a choice, and that choice is entirely yours, regardless of your circumstances. You can choose to give up this power, but why would you when you know that you can truly live a life without barriers? — Jim Kwik
9. The life you live are the lessons you teach. Be Limitless. — Jim Kwik
10. Knowledge is not power. It only has the potential to be power. You can read this book and learn everything in it, but if you don’t take it and apply the knowledge, it will be useless. — Jim Kwik
11. Your time is one of your greatest assets. It’s the one thing you can’t get back. — Jim Kwik
12. Our brains have the capacity for neuroplasticity, which means that it can be changed and shaped by our actions and by our environments. Your brain is always changing and molding itself to your surroundings and to the demands you place on it. — Jim Kwik
13. If knowledge is power, learning is your superpower. — Jim Kwik
14. If learning is making new connections, then remembering is maintaining and sustaining those connections. — Jim Kwik
Jim Kwik Quotes On Learning
15. Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we must be accountable for who we become. — Jim Kwik
16. All the books, podcasts, seminars, online programs, and inspiring social media posts in the world won’t work until you put your knowledge into action. — Jim Kwik
17. Creating the life you want can be scary. But you know what’s scarier? Regret. One day we will take our final breaths and not one of other people’s opinions or your fears will matter. What will matter is how we lived. — Jim Kwik
18. We all have vast potential inside of us, untapped levels of strength, intelligence, and focus, and the key to activating these superpowers is unlimiting yourself. — Jim Kwik
19. The brain doesn’t learn through consumption, it learns through creation. — Jim Kwik
20. You get to decide what kind of environment your superpower lives in: one that supports your mission in life or one that distracts you from your greatest dreams. — Jim Kwik
21. Mistakes are a sign that you are trying something new. You might think you have to be perfect, but life is not about comparing yourself to anyone else; it’s about measuring yourself compared to who you were yesterday. When you learn from your mistakes, they have the power to turn you into something better than you were before. — Jim Kwik
22. What you practice in private, you’re rewarded in public. — Jim Kwik
23. Dreams are an expression of the work your subconscious is doing while you’re sleeping, and there’s gold to be mined from them. Many geniuses throughout history have regularly accessed and often gleaned their best ideas and made their greatest discoveries from their dreams. — Jim Kwik
24. Limiting beliefs are often revealed in our self-talk, that inner conversation that focuses on what you’re convinced you can’t do rather than what you already excel at and what you’re going to continue to achieve today and into the future. — Jim Kwik
25. There is no such thing as failure. Only failure to learn. — Jim Kwik
* If you enjoyed this wonderful collection of Jim Kwik quotes, I think that you will really enjoy this video by Jim Kwik on creating a better morning routine. One Billion Dollar Morning Routine.