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30 Classic Quotes By David J Schwartz (The Magic of Thinking Big)

Damien Thomas



David J Schwartz Quotes

I hope that you will enjoy reading this wonderful collection of quotes from The Magic of Thinking Big.

I first read the book The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz almost 30 years ago. This was long before online book stores or bookshops had a self improvement section.

I actually picked up my copy in a health food store! This wonderful book has inspired and influenced people such as Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Eric Worre and Tim Ferriss.

Over 6 million people from around the world have read this personal development classic. I highly recommend that you pick up a copy of The Magic of Thinking Big and start putting into practice the easy to follow success principles contained on almost every page. Here are 30 classic quotes from The Magic of Thinking Big.


The Magic of Thinking Big Quotes

1. “Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.” ― David J. Schwartz


Magic of Thinking Big Quotes


2. “When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.” ― David J. Schwartz


Believing a solution paves the way to solution. David J. Schwartz Quote


3. “Then it dawned on me that no one else was going to believe in me until I believed in myself.” ― David J. Schwartz


Magic of Thinking Big Inspirational Quotes


4. “Go first class in everything you do. You can’t afford to go any other way.” ― David J. Schwartz


David J Schwartz Quotes


5. “A person who thinks his job is important receives mental signals on how to do his job better; And a better job means more promotions, more money, more prestige, more happiness.” ― David J. Schwartz


6. “Liven up everything about you; your smile, your hand-shake, your talk, even your walk. Act alive!” ― David J. Schwartz


Quotes From The Magic of Thinking Big


7. “How you look on the outside has a lot to do with how you feel on the inside.” ― David J. Schwartz


Magic of thinking big quotes


8. “Look at things not as they are, but as they can be. Visualization adds value to everything. A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future. He isn’t stuck with the present.” ― David J. Schwartz


Look at things not as they are, but as they can be. David J. Schwartz Quote


9. “Give your ideas value by acting on them.” ― David J. Schwartz


The Magic of Thinking Big Quote


Magic of Thinking Big Quotes

10. “Those who believe they can move mountains, do. Those who believe they can’t, cannot. Belief triggers the power to do.” ― David J. Schwartz


The Magic of Thinking Big Quote


11. “The test of a successful person is not the ability to eliminate all problems before he takes action, but rather the ability to find solutions to difficulties when he encounters them.” ― David J. Schwartz


12. “Grow the “service first” attitude, and watch money take care of itself. Give people more than they get expect to get.” ― David J. Schwartz


The Magic of Thinking Big Quotes


13. “Remember, how you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win.” ― David J. Schwartz


The Magic of Thinking Big Quotes


14. “Don’t wait until conditions are perfect. They never will be. Expect future obstacles and difficulties and solve them as they arise.” ― David J. Schwartz


15. “Big thinkers train themselves to see not just what is but what can be.” ― David J. Schwartz


David J. Schwartz Big Thinkers Quote


16. “Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success.” ― David J. Schwartz


David J Schwartz Quotes


17. “Most of us make two basic errors with respect to intelligence: 1. We underestimate our own brainpower. 2. We overestimate the other fellow’s brainpower.” ― David J. Schwartz


18. “Use action to cure fear and gain confidence.” ― David J. Schwartz


The Magic of Thinking Big Quotes


19. “Stretch your mind. Associate with people who can help you to think new ideas, new ways of doing things.” ― David J. Schwartz


The Magic of Thinking Big Quote


David J. Schwartz Quotes

20. “Big thinkers are specialists in creating positive, forward-looking, optimistic pictures in their own minds and in the minds of others. To think big, we must use words and phrases that produce big, positive mental images.” ― David J. Schwartz


21. “Do what you fear and fear disappears.” ― David J. Schwartz


David J. Schwartz Quote


22. “Every day thousands of people bury good ideas because they are afraid to act on them. And afterwards, the ghosts of these ideas come back to haunt them.” ― David J. Schwartz


The Magic of Thinking Big Quote


23. “Successful people are just ordinary folks who have developed belief in themselves and what they do.” ― David J. Schwartz


David J Schwartz Quotes


24. “Ideas alone wont bring success. Ideas have value only when you act upon them.” ― David J. Schwartz


David J Schwartz The Magic of Thinking Big Quotes


25. “Hope is a start. But hope needs action to win victories.” ― David J. Schwartz


The Magic of Thinking Big Inspirational Quotes


26. “Here is a basic truth: To do anything, we must first believe it can be done.” ― David J. Schwartz


David J Schwartz Quotes


27. “Grow big by thinking big.” ― David J. Schwartz


Thinking Big Quote


28. “Look important. It helps you think important. How you look on the outside has a lot to do with how you feel on the inside.” ― David J. Schwartz


29. “Set goals to get more energy. Set goals to get things done. Set goals and discover the real enjoyment of living.” ― David J. Schwartz


Magic of Thinking Big


30. “When you believe, your mind will find a way.” ― David J. Schwartz


David J Schwartz Quotes


I really hope that you enjoyed this great collection of Magic of Thinking Big Quotes by David J. Schwartz.


“The Magic of Thinking Big” is a self-help book written by Dr. David J. Schwartz, which offers practical advice and strategies to help people to achieve success and fulfill their potential. Published in 1959, the book has remained a popular and influential guide for both personal and professional development.

The central theme of “The Magic of Thinking Big” revolves around the power of one’s mindset and how it impacts success in various areas of life. David J. Schwartz emphasizes that thinking big is crucial to achieving big results. He encourages readers to develope a positive mindset, overcome self-doubt, and develop a strong belief in their abilities.

The book provides practical techniques and strategies to help people to think and act in ways that will lead to success. It covers topics such as setting and achieving goals, building self-confidence, developing effective communication skills, and creating a positive work environment.

Through real-life examples and anecdotes, David J.Schwartz illustrates how people can overcome obstacles, manage fear, and develop a winning attitude.

“The Magic of Thinking Big” emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions and mindset. David J.Schwartz challenges readers to break free from limiting beliefs and aim higher in all aspects of life, whether it’s in their careers, relationships, or personal growth. By embracing a mindset of abundance and optimism, readers can unlock their potential and achieve extraordinary results.

Biography of David J. Schwartz:
David Joseph Schwartz was an American motivational writer and life strategist. Born on March 23, 1927, in the United States, Schwartz dedicated his career to helping individuals harness their potential and achieve success. He earned a PhD in psychology from the University of Wisconsin.

David J. Schwartz began his professional journey as a professor at Georgia State College and later served as the president of Creative Educational Services, a consulting firm specializing in leadership development and motivation. He also worked as a personal coach, sharing his insights and strategies with people and organizations.

David J. Schwartz’s most notable contribution to the self-help genre was “The Magic of Thinking Big.” The book became a bestseller and has been translated into multiple languages, inspiring millions of readers worldwide. David J. Schwartz’s teachings focused on the power of mindset and the importance of thinking positively, setting goals, and taking action.

Throughout his career, David J. Schwartz delivered numerous lectures and seminars, sharing his wisdom and expertise with audiences. He believed in the transformative power of positive thinking and he encouraged people to dream big and pursue their goals relentlessly.

David J. Schwartz passed away on December 6, 1987, leaving behind a legacy of empowering people to think big and unlock their true potential.

His work continues to inspire people to this day, reminding us that success begins with our mindset and that we are capable of achieving great things in our lives.