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10 Irresistible Traits Of People With Positive Vibes

Damien Thomas




Do you have a friend or family member who always make you smile, just because they seem to be in a good mood? Or, maybe you can’t put your finger on it, but they always just seem to ‘radiate’ positive energy? Maybe you have even been walking down the street and you have noticed someone’s positive vibes, which caused you to take a second glance. Maybe your barista at the cafe this morning really kicked your day off on the right foot because she had some kind of happy glow surrounding her. More often than not, we shrug these types of people off after a few moments, and go about our days. But in those moments, not only can we feel better about ourselves, thanks to the positive vibes that were given to us, but we can reflect on how nice it must be to be someone like that. As humans, we naturally gravitate toward positive people, and there is no big mystery as to why – let’s check out 10 irresistible traits of people with positive vibes.

1. They Find The Best In Everyone

It can be really easy to complain about people – all of the time. Whether it is an annoying co-worker, a friend dragging you down with drama, a significant other, or even someone you may have just met that you were quick to judge. People with a more positive energy tend to search for the best in people, no matter what, giving them the benefit of the doubt, and focusing on their good traits, instead of picking them apart as a person.

2. They Wake Up Excited, And Make Each Day Fun

No, people with positive vibes don’t live in some kind of fantasy world, even though this trait may make it seem like that. But, they do tend to wake up every morning excited to start the day, and with a genuine curiosity of what fun things the day will bring. On top of it, they make the choice to actually have fun, whenever, and wherever they can. Even if it’s five minutes of something new and exciting here and there, those moments add up to a happy, positive life.

3. They Treat Themselves Well

This means on the inside, and the outside. Positive people are not self-loathing people, and they often take the time to really focus on themselves, however they can. Whether that means a trip to the gym, yoga, meditation, self-help, etc. Being your best self, and learning everything you can about your own personality and most inner thoughts can be extremely helpful when it comes to boosting yourself up, and really treating yourself correctly. In a society where it is so easy to be phased by stereotypes and gender norms, positive people instead focus on themselves, and what makes them the most happy, so they can spread that joy to others, which brings us to our next trait…

4. They Intentionally Try To Promote Happiness

Positive people tend to want other people to be as happy as they are, or even happier. For that reason, most positive people will go out of their way to share a smile, do a favor, or just try to brighten up someone’s day. The hope is usually that the kindness and happiness will continue to grow, like a snowball effect. Positive people don’t usually like to see someone down, so they will do whatever they can to turn a less-than-perfect day around for someone; even a complete stranger.

5. They Let Things Happen

We live in a world where we sometimes feel like we have to be in control of everything. That doesn’t necessarily make us a bunch of ‘control freaks,’ but we do like to take charge of our own lives. Unfortunately, when we put those burdens on our shoulders, we are really just stressing ourselves out. Positive people tend to take life as it comes, and they let things happen that are meant to happen, without too much over-thinking or excessive planning. This is definitely a skill that can be harder for some people more than others, but the old saying of life handing you lemons definitely rings true for positive people, who would most definitely add a little sugar and make some incredible lemonade.

6. They Avoid Complaining

Positive people run into problems in their lives just like everyone else. But complaining about those problems can sometimes make them feel worse, and the longer we stew on them, the more upset we get. Trying to let them go by not complaining can make them seem smaller, and you may forget about it faster.

7. They Forgive Easily

There is no use in holding a grudge, and positive people know that. This falls into a similar category of finding the best in everyone. If a positive person ends up getting burned in a relationship, by a friend, etc., they are more willing to forgive, repair the relationship, and move on with their lives, instead of sitting on a lot of drama that can tend to make the situation even worse, and destroy the relationship altogether. More often than not, a little forgiveness goes a long way when it comes to mending people’s relationships.

8. They Build Up Everyone

Just as they take care of themselves, positive people want to take care of other people. Aside from spreading happiness however they can, they want everyone else to feel good about themselves, too. We can be pretty harsh on ourselves as a whole, whether we complain about our looks, our job performances, our talents, etc. Positive people will take the negative traits you see about yourself, and flip them around into ways you may not have seen yourself before in order to build up your happiness and confidence.

9. They Accept Their Own Mistakes

While many people can be stubborn, and have a hard time saying ‘sorry,’ positive people will usually readily admit when they’ve made a mistake, and have no problem apologizing for it. This allows them to move on with their lives quicker, and allows whoever they burned in the process the opportunity to forgive and forget as well. Not every situation has to be a long, drawn out, painful process for everyone involved, and positive people know that a quick, sincere apology can really work wonders.

10. They Live Life To The Fullest

Every single day, positive people wake up with the underlying energy to make every day the best that it can possibly be, adding up to a lifetime of living your best, and not settling for anything mundane.

People with positive vibes are irresistible for plenty of reasons. The good news? They are so eager and willing to spread those vibes, spread that happiness, and build up those around them to feel the positivity as well. Maybe, if we were all a bit more open, those positive vibes could blossom in all of us. Think about how peaceful, happy, and strong our world would be if we were all able to live with even a handful of these traits in each and every one of us. Don’t be afraid to be positive!