18 Things To Let Go Of In 2018

With the New Year fast approaching sometimes comes thoughts of making New Year’s resolutions. Whether you make a resolution every year or not, they are not always that easy to keep. In fact, many of us end up ‘giving up’ on the resolutions that we planned by the time Spring time comes around.
So, as we get closer to 2018, why not take a different approach to a resolution? Instead of giving yourself a lofty goal that might seem a bit overwhelming at times, think of the things that you can let go of. Letting go of certain things from your life can make a major positive difference in how you feel. Plus, because you are just getting rid of several small things, it is less likely that you will feel overwhelmed, or as though your goals are impossible to achieve.
Let’s take a look at 18 things that you should let go of in 2018. Throw out as many of these negative or weighty aspects of your life as possible, and you could end up having your best year yet!
1. Negative Self-Talk
Before you start letting go of the things surrounding you, you have to look at yourself. Let this be the year where you lift yourself up, and stop putting yourself down. Rid negative self-talk from your vocabulary, and you will be sure to start feeling more confident and positive about yourself.
2. Negative Friends
After you look at yourself, take a look at your close inner circle. Are any of your friends bringing you down, or holding you back in some way? Sometimes, we do not realize the negative impact those closest to us can have on our well-being. It can be a hard decision to make, but sometimes it is necessary to purge the negative relationships from your life.
3. Spending Money
Money is a necessary evil, and everyone seems to want more and to spend even more than they have. Make this the year where you stop spending money excessively. It can be a struggle at first, but by creating a solid spending plan, and cutting out any impulsive purchases will make it much easier. By the end of the year, you will be surprised at just how much money you may have saved!
4. Overindulging
We live in a world where it is easy to say ‘I deserve this.’ While it is okay to treat yourself once in awhile, let go of overindulging on things like food, alcohol, or even big expenses. You will feel better, look better, and you will have more confidence in your willpower in the future.
5. The Past
It is not always easy to ‘forgive and forget.’ But, holding onto negativity from the past can really drag down your present and future. Do your best to let go of anything bad that may have happened to you in the past, and start with a clean slate.
6. Over Scheduling
As a society, we seem to be busier than ever. It is easy to want to cram as much as possible into your days. This year, try to clear up your schedule so that you can have more time for yourself and the things that you enjoy to do.
7. Always Saying “Yes”
People-pleasing can be a huge problem for some people. It is one thing to want to make others happy. That’s normal, and compassionate. But, when you continuously go out of your way to please others, even if it’s at your own expense, you can sometimes be get taken advantage of. Choose what you say ‘yes’ to carefully. Don’t let your mouth overload your back.
8. Taking It Personally
It can be easy to hear something someone says and take immediate offense. Whether a comment is directed at you or not, try not to take everything so personally. When you are able to do that, you will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders.
9. Social Media Impact
It is not easy to let go of social media altogether. But, try getting rid of its overall importance in your life. Let it take a back seat to real experiences, and real interactions with the people around you.
10. Technology
Letting go of technology, as a whole might be impossible. But, like social media, it shouldn’t take over your life. Make a conscious effort to spend more time without watching TV or having your cell phone glued to your hand, even if you have to put your phone out of reach and keep your TV switched off for longer periods of time. When you lessen your dependency on technology, you will be able to experience so much more going on around you.
11. Comparing
Don’t compare yourself to other people. No matter how much confidence you have, you will always find something that won’t quite ‘measure up.’ It’s not worth your time or effort. Instead just try to be the very best version of yourself.
12. Saying “I Can’t”
This is different from negative self-talk: It is a matter of talking yourself out of doing things. Be open to new experiences and possibilities and don’t let feelings of “I can’t” get in the way of the many things that you can do this year.
13. Letting Others Make Your Choices
Sometimes, it is easy to let others walk all over us. Let this be the year where you take control of your life and make more of your own decisions, big and small. By making your own choices you will build your confidence as you do so, even through the triumphs and the occasional struggle.
14. Making Excuses
If you need to get things done, get them done. If you need to go somewhere, go there. Stop making excuses for yourself, and focus on individual goals and tasks. You can complete them without excuses getting in your way.
15. Gossiping
Talking about others will never make you feel better about yourself. And, you could lose good friends in the process. Stop the gossip and negative chatter from your conversations.
16. Putting Fear in Control
Kick your fears to the curb this year! Take more chances and take control by diminishing the fears that have paralyzed you from doing what you want to do in the past. Make 2018 the year that you really start to believe in yourself!
17. Procrastination
You will likely find that by letting go of some things like technology, social media, etc., will make it much easier for you to get rid of procrastination and putting things off that need to get done. 2018 is the year to just do it!
18. Putting Down Others
Like gossiping, putting down others will not make you feel better about yourself. In fact, you will likely feel much better about yourself when you stop doing it.
Don’t limit yourself to just this list alone – This is a ‘starter pack’ to make 2018 your best year ever. Take a look at your life, and consider the things you could let go of that will benefit you and take action.