Increase Your Productivity X10 With These Simple Tips

It is not uncommon to want to be more productive and get more achieved everyday. Whether you are trying to get more accomplished in work, at home, or just in general, a feeling of productivity can add a lot of pride and satisfaction to your day.
Unfortunately, getting more tasks accomplished is often easier said than done. We can start most days with the best of intentions, only to let those intentions quickly slip from our grasp. Thankfully, there are several simple steps that you can take that will massively increase your daily productivity.
Many people give up on being more productive because they think they have to make massive personal changes. Actually, it is just the opposite! Being more productive starts with changing some small daily habits.
By following the simple tips in this article, you can increase your daily productivity tenfold. Don’t feel as though you have to implement these suggestions all at once.
Get comfortable with a few to begin with, and before long you will notice a huge change in how much you can actually accomplish every day.
Take a Break
This might seem counterproductive if you are trying to get more done in a day. But, taking frequent breaks can actually help you more than you might realize.
One of the reasons why we can get distracted during certain tasks is because they can sometimes feel overwhelming (and even never-ending!).
If you are working on a big project, or you have a lot to get done in a day, don’t deny yourself a few breaks along the way.
It is important that you make the very most of these breaks. Ten or fifteen minutes is a great way to recharge your batteries and to get re-focused, but don’t let yourself wander away too much.
You will quickly learn how much time you need in order to feel refreshed and ready to go again, whether you are at work or you are completing day-to-day activities around the home.
Get Rid of Distractions
This tip is probably a bit more obvious, but that doesn’t mean that it is always easy to follow. We live with more distractions on a daily basis than ever before. Technology is a major culprit.
Every time your phone ‘dings’ with a notification, or you get a new email, you become distracted. It might not be for long, but it takes away from the task at hand. These distractions can quickly add up throughout your day.
If you are trying to be more productive, limit your technology use and get rid of these distractions.
Put your phone somewhere where you will not be tempted to look at it and turn it to silent. Close any web browsers you don’t need. Set certain times to check your email. By eliminating these ‘quick’ distractions from your life, you can get a lot more done each day.
Complete and Time Your Harder Tasks
It is not uncommon to save the things we don’t want to do for the end of the day. Because of this, they can continue to get pushed aside, or they are not completed to the best of our ability.
Instead, make a goal to do your hardest tasks first thing each day. You will be able to tackle them with a fresh perspective. Plus, when you complete them, you will feel an incredible sense of accomplishment.
If you are still feeling overwhelmed, try setting a timer for each of your daily tasks. Give yourself 30 minutes (or the appropriate amount of time) to get something done.
This will help you to stay focused and motivated for that entire time, because you will have more incentive to get the job done. When the time is up and the task is completed, reward yourself with a short break.
Know Your Productivity Patterns
The ‘afternoon slump’ is a real problem for many people. For some people, it can take two or three cups of coffee in the morning to get going.
For others, they can practically jump out of bed ready to take on the day. In order to maximize your productivity, it is important to recognize when you feel most productive.
Are you a morning person? Try to tackle as much as you can upon waking up. If you feel better after lunch, use the afternoon to take on your major tasks. Even night owls can be productive, but don’t let your daily tasks cut into your important sleeping time.
Recognize Your Achievements
If you are having trouble getting started or staying motivated, hold yourself accountable. Don’t be afraid to write down your own personal developments and achievements, as well as any setbacks you face in your ‘quest for better productivity.’
You will be able to look back on your achievements, even when you have an unproductive day, and see how far you have come.
It may seem a bit cliché at first, but keeping a journal at hand that you can use to record your progress can be a great motivational tool to stay on the right track.
Take Care of Yourself
It might seem fairly obvious that taking care of yourself is a necessity for proper productivity. But, we forget to do it far too often. Getting enough sleep, getting plenty of exercise, and implementing a healthy diet will help you to always be at the ‘top’ of your game.
Everyone feels sluggish and unmotivated from time to time. But, taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally can make a massive difference.
The old saying that you ‘get out what you put in’ is incredibly relevant. You shouldn’t just take care of your body and ignore your mental state, or vice versa.
Make the Most of Every Day
The best way to lead a more productive lifestyle is to simply get started. It can easily feel overwhelming to look at everything you have to do in a day and wonder how you will ever get it all done. But, once you make the decision to increase your productivity, no one can stand in your way.
Thinking positively and telling yourself you can do the things that you have set out to do can have a major positive impact on your overall productivity.
Don’t be afraid to push the ‘start’ button on your daily routine. You might just be surprised at how much you will be able to accomplish in a day. Once it becomes more normal for you, your productivity will quickly give you wonderful feelings of pride and accomplishment, and they will be well-deserved!