8 Simple Tips To Boost Your Mood

We can all feel sad and a little under the weather from time to time, and it can really affect our day-to-day lives.
While it is perfectly normal to feel sad or even a little frustrated sometimes, we should try to make sure it’s not ruining our entire day! Here are eight simple tips that will shift your mindset and will also help to boost your mood…
Move Your Body
When you are slumped on the couch feeling miserable or angry, the last thing you want to do is get up and exercise. While you don’t need to kick-start a brand-new, intense workout, moving your body can really help shift your mood.
Exercise releases endorphins in the body, which naturally improve your mood and increase your levels of the ‘happy chemical’ serotonin.
You will be amazed at what ten minutes of activity can do for your body, and your mind. Gently warming your body up and reminding yourself of your ability to move is something you can do at any time of day.
Take a quick break at work to do a few laps of the office, and perhaps go for a wander on your break if you are feeling a little frustrated or under the weather.
Dehydration can have lots of physical effects on our bodies, such as headaches, dry skin and irritated eyes.
These symptoms, as well as the dehydration itself, have an effect on our minds and moods. Staying hydrated is key to having a healthy body, and really helps keep our minds engaged and focused.
It is no surprise, really, that being dehydrated can make us feel grouchy, miserable and feeling like we don’t have any energy.
Aim to drink at least 2 liters of water each day. It may sound like a lot, initially, but it is pretty easy when you break it down – this works out as around 8 glasses per day.
If you are struggling to drink water on its own, opt for a herbal tea! Fennel tea is a delicious choice for anyone who needs a mood boost – it’s formed from a complex carbohydrate and will help your body produce more of that mood boosting serotonin.
Treat Yourself
If you are reading this and instantly panicking about your bank balance, don’t worry – you don’t need to buy anything!
For free ways to look after yourself, consider taking some time to do something that makes you feel good. Baking, reading and watching your favorite box-set from a den of cushions are all great ways to show some self-love.
We all know that eating healthily and exercising are good ways to maintain a balanced body and mind, but we don’t always feel like doing that!
If your mind is telling you to take a time-out and nap, or eat chocolate, or have a long, hot shower, do it. Listening to our bodies and minds is the best way to tap into what affects our moods, and will help us improve them more efficiently if we get hit by the blues.
Grab a Snack
Our blood sugar levels can have a big effect on our moods. If you are finding yourself getting irritated easily, reach for a healthy snack.
Go for something like fresh fruit or a handful of cashew nuts. Eating regularly throughout the day is a good way to maintain balanced blood sugar levels, which will help stabilize your mood and our energy levels.
It’s pretty easy to carry around snacks with you, so try making up your own trail mix in batches. You can also make energy balls – try mixing dates, cacao powder, coconut flakes and pecans in a blender! These will give you plenty of energy and only contain natural sugars, too.
Release Stress
It can be tempting to brush aside negative feelings and try to ignore them. This can often make things a lot worse in the long-run, as they simmer and often boil over at the worst possible times. Rather than refusing to acknowledge triggers that can start a downward mental spiral, start making a note of them.
One way to release stress is to literally release it. Sometimes, by simply writing down our worries, our minds can feel more at ease.
Designate a notebook to your worries, and carry it around with you so that you can use it at work, or if you wake in the middle of the night. Getting something physically written on paper can help to shift it from our minds – sure, we’ll still think about it every so often, but it will be no longer in control of our moods.
Try and make this a regular positive habit so that it is part of your daily routine, and not just something you turn to when you are feeling blue.
Take ten minutes out of your day to sit, on your own, and calm your mind. We all get caught up in our phones, laptops and TV shows, and it takes a while to train our minds to just ‘be’.
By meditating, you will be able to free yourself from your stresses and worries. Try and clear the mind, or, if this is too hard at first, focus on positive aspects of your life.
It is important that you use this time to relax and self-soothe, and not just to panic and stress even more! Focus on your breath and let yourself melt into your positive thoughts.
Make a Small Change
Sometimes changing something small, physically, can really shift our mind-set and help to boost our mood. You know how good you feel about yourself when you wear your favorite shoes, shirt, tie etc.
If you want an extra mood boost, make a small wardrobe change by wearing your favorite item of clothing and stepping into character as someone who looks great, feels confident and is ready for the day. It’s amazing how much of a difference this small change can make. Think of it as Feng shui for the body.
Listen To Music
Sometimes, all it takes to boost your mood will be to listen to a great song! Make yourself a fee-good playlist that you can reach for when you are feeling blue. Include your favorite music and start feeling instantly better. We tend to associate music with situations or memories, so find songs that remind you of happier times.
Go for the soundtrack of your favorite movie, songs you listened to on a great trip, or just some 90’s pop! It might not fix any long term issues, but it will cheer you up for now and will make a big difference to your mood.
Many of us can feel sad or a bit low from time to time, So, if you are in need a mood boost why not try some of the tips in this article.