8 Tips For Wellness In The Workplace
Many of us spend 40 hours a week and in some cases even longer at our job. Most of us actually spend the majority of our waking hours either thinking about our job or actually in our job itself. Do you ever wish away the days until your next day off or until your next vacation? Or do you ever feel trapped in your job because of debt or other financial commitments? Do you ever dread the thoughts of another day ahead where you work?
Work related stress is becoming more and more prevalent. We hear more and more of stories of stress related sickness in the workplace and people being generally unhappy about where they work. Over the years I have learned some hard, yet eye opening lessons about work that have totally changed my life for the better. I am delighted to say that I now actually look forward to go to work each day, instead of thinking about what drama and stress the day ahead would bring. I now feel more positive and energized after a days work, instead of feeling exhausted both mentally and physically. I am going to share with you 8 simple work related wellness tips that have helped me and I am sure they will help you too.
1. Do A Job That You Enjoy
If you have ever worked in a job that you didn’t enjoy doing, you will see why this is my first tip. I have worked in a few careers over the years. Everything from the fitness industry, bar work, retail to office jobs. I have never regretted any job that I did, as they all paid the bills. Some of them I just wish I had left sooner than I did. Some of the places where I worked, I really enjoyed and it was a pleasure going into work each day. Others made me feel stressed and filled me with dread each day. Make a conscious effort to find out what you would like or love doing and do it! Working doing what you love will not only be good for your health, you will be more productive and you will enjoy doing what you love. The opposite is what can happen if you work at a job that you hate. You will be less productive, you might feel exhausted all of the time and you may even suffer from stress and even anxiety the longer that you stay there. Write down your strengths, your skills, and also what are your dream jobs. Then do some research and find a job that matches your list.
2. Visualize and Plan Your Day
Every morning as a part of my morning routine I use a journal. I use the Five Minute Journal to prompt me what to write each day. As well as reading over my short, medium and long term goals. I write down what I am grateful for, as well as what would make today great. I finish off by writing down a positive affirmation. By writing down what would make today great both at home and in work, helps me to plan and visualize the day ahead. It also helps to put me in a positive frame of mind for the day.
3. Get More Active
There are so many benefits from being more active and getting more exercise. I like to walk in the local park in the evenings where I am surrounded by swans, ducks and rabbits. It really is a breath of fresh air. I use my walk to go over the day I had in my head, I also use this time to think about my goals, get my heart rate going and my muscles working. I also like to exercise using some weights at home, coupled with some stretches, I now feel stronger and more flexible than ever before. The fact that serotonin is also released in the brain when we exercise is another way to lift your mood and help you to feel better about yourself. I have found that since I started exercising I now have more energy and I feel more alert in work.
4. Eat A Healthy Diet
‘You are what you eat.‘ If this is true, then it is safe to say that we should take extra care to what we are eating every day. If you want to have more energy, start looking and feeling better, then start eating a better diet. Start each day by not skipping breakfast. Plan and prepare your lunches the night before. Cut out the fast food, fizzy drinks and sweets. All of which can effect your health and your mood. By having a good breakfast followed by a healthy lunch you will have enough energy to get through your working day without suffering from the usual mid-day slump. Also, by eating a healthy diet you will have more energy to preform at a higher level in work and later on when you exercise at home.
5. Ignore The Office Gossip
The same goes to anyone in work who is negative and brings you or others down. These people are energy vampires and they will leave you feeling tired and sometimes exhausted. I always think, if they are gossiping to you, well they are probably gossiping about you! The office gossip will usually hang around the same places, the water cooler, the smoking area, canteen etc. Think about where they gossip and avoid these areas as much as possible. Instead, surround yourself by people who are more positive and leave you feeling good about yourself after speaking with them.
6. Learn, Grow and Improve
If we are not learning new skills and constantly growing we may fall into the feeling of being stuck in a rut and being stagnant. Jump to the chance to do any training offered by your employer. Do an evening course, or constantly research changes in your industry that will keep you up to date and ahead of others. This enthusiasm will not only educate you, but this initiative may help you when it come to the next promotion that comes around.
7. Don’t Work 7 Days A Week
We are in a time when many of us are connected to our jobs 24/7. Most of us have work email set up on our smart phones, so that we are now getting notifications before and long after we finish our shift. A relatively new occurrence is the arrival of the GroupChat. Sure, a group chat can have its benefits, but they also keep you connected to your job, 7 days a week. Work emails, work SMS and GroupChats have become so much the norm that we don’t realize the effect and power that they can have. Try to get into the positive habit of putting your phone away in work and also when you get home. Or, at the least turn off your emails and GroupChats outside of working hours.
8. Learn To Meditate
I cannot recommend highly enough the positive effects that meditation can have. I love to use my Tibetan singing bowl each morning to help to clear my mind and help me to feel relaxed. I don’t know why, but lately I use my singing bowl just before I exercise to help me clear my mind and get me in the zone. You can search online and find some wonderful meditations, or use the free App called Insight Timer to listen to a guided meditation. If you ever feel stressed or suffer from anxiety, practicing meditation should help. After a while when you learn to meditate by yourself, you can take a few minutes on your lunch to meditate, focus on your breath and help you to feel more relaxed.
I really hope that you will start some of the tips above that I have shared with you. Perhaps start by buying healthy foods for the week ahead when you go grocery shopping in the next few days, or download the free Insight Timer App to help you to meditate. And perhaps make an effort to use your smartphone less at work and in the evenings. Alternatively, you might dust off your trainers tomorrow and go for a nice walk, or make the life changing investment in yourself and get a Five Minute Journal. The trick is to take action. Don’t put it off any longer, don’t make excuses. The time will never be just right. Your health and wellness depends on it.